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DUI Lawyers – Arlington, Virginia

DUI (Driving Under The Influence) in Virginia is a violation of Virginia Code Section 18.2-266 and is a serious criminal offense. If you have been arrested for DUI in Arlington, Virginia, then you need a good DUI Lawyer to defend you in Court. In Virginia, you can be arrested for drunk driving if a Arlington police officer determines there is probable cause. The police officer will usually determine if there is probable cause for an arrest based on field sobriety tests such as the One Leg Stand, Walk and Turn, and Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus. The penalties for a DUI conviction can be devastating and significantly affect your lifestyle. This is especially true if either a Breath Test or Blood Test indicates a high blood alcohol content (BAC).

Drunk Driving Defense in Arlington, Virginia

The thought of going to jail for a DUI or having to blow into an Ignition Interlock device every time you start your car can be a very scary and intimidating scenario. Add to that, the increase in automobile insurance rate, difficulty finding coverage, or losing your driver’s license for a year? Can you even imagine what would happen if you lost your vehicle, your job, or your freedom? In addition to all these problems, contemplate attending and completing an Alcohol Safety Action Program (ASAP) or being placed on Probation? These are the harsh realities of a conviction for Driving While Intoxicated. The SRIS Law Group Virginia attorneys who defend DUI in Arlington have the experience and knowledge to defend you and will do their best to help you.

Reckless Driving

A reckless driving ticket in Virginia is not simple traffic ticket. If you have received a reckless driving ticket in Arlington, then speak with us about what options you have regarding your reckless driving charge. A reckless driving lawyer from our firm will advise you what options you have regarding your Virginia uniform summons. The law requires you to be personally present for your reckless driving ticket in Arlington. However, depending on the facts of your reckless driving ticket, we may be able to represent you in your absence. Talk with a Virginia lawyer from our firm to determine if your reckless driving charge in Arlington, Virginia can been handled without you having to personally appear before a Arlington Judge.

In Virginia, Reckless Driving is a Class One Misdemeanor criminal offense, the same category of offense as DUI, and is punishable by up to 12 months in jail, a $2,500 fine, and/or loss of your Virginia driving privilege for up to six months. A conviction for Reckless Driving can result in actual jail time, your job/security clearance, your driving record and your automobile insurance policy.

Traffic Attorney Arlington Virginia

If you have received a traffic ticket in Arlington, Virginia, you need an experienced traffic lawyer to defend you and do the best he can to get you the best results possible based on the facts of your case. The SRIS Law Group VA lawyer who will defend you has the knowledge and experience to defend you. An attorney from our firm will discuss the facts of your traffic case and advise you as to what options you have regarding your ticket. Frequently, depending on the facts of your traffic case, we may be able to represent you in your absence. Talk with our Virginia lawyer to determine if your traffic ticket in Arlington, Virginia can been handled without you having to personally appear before a Arlington Judge.

Article written by A Sris
Sris Law Group